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      The Samuel Culbertson Mansion
Louisville's Most Historic Inn

1432 South Third Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40208
502.634.3100;  866.522.5078 toll free

The Courtyard

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A pleasant place to enjoy breakfast, a picnic lunch, an afternoon with a good book, or an evening cocktail.

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(They blamed it on
El NiƱo)


Home Page
The Samuel Culbertson Mansion Guest Rooms Page

The President's Room
The Knights of Kentucky Suite
The Little Colonel Suite
The East Room
The Annie Fellows Johnston Room

The General Lawton Suite

Rates and Info
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Check Availability

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Meetings, Banquets and Luncheons

Site Map

 The Samuel Culbertson Mansion
1432 South Third Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40208
(502) 634-3100;  (866) 522-5078 toll free
Fax (502) 636-3096